Our goal at The Prevailing Group is to Serve Connecticut’s Property Owners at the Highest Level. We leverage a wide range of experience and relationships to provide Property Management, Maintenance and Home Watch Services to real estate owners in Fairfield County. Our pillars for success: Trust. Communication. Integrity. Continuous Improvement. Being vigilant project managers and tenacious problem solvers. Making a commitment to being of service and delivering results.

I consider it to be a privilege to be trusted to work in somebody’s home and care for their most valuable asset.
Throughout my career, being in the service business has always been my way of connecting with people. I’ve built a facilities maintenance company that serviced thousands of properties throughout NYC, with 24/7 response. I’ve also owned (and sold) a company that remodeled over 300 bathrooms for homeowners in Fairfield County – most being completed in 2 to 4 days by incredibly talented teams. One thing remains true – no matter the situation…the relationships we build are what’s most important.
As a husband, father and resident of Stamford, I understand the value of time and the importance of family. Having the right team to watch out for you, your home, your time and your investments can make all the difference in the world. It can create an asset that you’re thrilled about. Give you a home that you’re in love with. Provide a life with less stress and more time for what really matters.
Charity: Make A Wish of CT
Hobbies: Ice Hockey, golf, spending time with family